
Temporarily or permanently remove a user's text or voice ability.


  • Usage: !voicemute <users> [time_and_reason]

  • Checks: server_only

Mute a user in their current voice channel. <users...> is a space separated list of usernames, ID's, or mentions. [time_and_reason] is the time to mute for and reason. Time is any valid time length such as 30 minutes or 2 days. If nothing is provided the mute will use the set default time or indefinite if not set. Examples: !voicemute @member1 @member2 spam 5 hours !voicemute @member1 3 days


  • Usage: !voiceunmute <users> [reason]

  • Checks: server_only

Unmute a user in their current voice channel. <users...> is a space separated list of usernames, ID's, or mentions. [reason] is the reason for the unmute.


  • Usage: !muteset

  • Checks: server_only

Mute settings.

muteset role

  • Usage: !muteset role [role]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: bot_has_server_permissions

Sets the role to be applied when muting a user. If no role is setup the bot will attempt to mute a user by setting channel overwrites in all channels to prevent the user from sending messages. Note: If no role is setup a user may be able to leave the server and rejoin no longer being muted.

muteset settings

  • Usage: !muteset settings

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Aliases: showsettings

Shows the current mute settings for this server.

muteset makerole

  • Usage: !muteset makerole <name>

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: bot_has_server_permissions

Create a Muted role. This will create a role and apply overwrites to all available channels to more easily setup muting a user. If you already have a muted role created on the server use !muteset role ROLE_NAME_HERE

muteset defaulttime

  • Usage: !muteset defaulttime [time]

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Aliases: time

Set the default mute time for the mute command. If no time interval is provided this will be cleared.

muteset senddm

  • Usage: !muteset senddm <true_or_false>

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Checks: server_only

Set whether mute notifications should be sent to users in DMs.

muteset showmoderator

  • Usage: !muteset showmoderator <true_or_false>

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Checks: server_only

Decide whether the name of the moderator muting a user should be included in the DM to that user.

muteset notification

  • Usage: !muteset notification [channel=None]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Set the notification channel for automatic unmute issues. If no channel is provided this will be cleared and notifications about issues when unmuting users will not be sent anywhere.


  • Usage: !activemutes

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Checks: server_only

Displays active mutes on this server.


  • Usage: !mute <users> [time_and_reason]

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Checks: server_only

Mute users. <users...> is a space separated list of usernames, ID's, or mentions. [time_and_reason] is the time to mute for and reason. Time is any valid time length such as 30 minutes or 2 days. If nothing is provided the mute will use the set default time or indefinite if not set. Examples: !mute @member1 @member2 spam 5 hours !mute @member1 3 days


  • Usage: !mutechannel <users> [time_and_reason]

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Aliases: channelmute

  • Checks: bot_has_server_permissions

Mute a user in the current text channel (or in the parent of the current thread). <users...> is a space separated list of usernames, ID's, or mentions. [time_and_reason] is the time to mute for and reason. Time is any valid time length such as 30 minutes or 2 days. If nothing is provided the mute will use the set default time or indefinite if not set. Examples: !mutechannel @member1 @member2 spam 5 hours !mutechannel @member1 3 days


  • Usage: !unmute <users> [reason]

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Checks: server_only

Unmute users. <users...> is a space separated list of usernames, ID's, or mentions. [reason] is the reason for the unmute.


  • Usage: !unmutechannel <users> [reason]

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Aliases: channelunmute

  • Checks: bot_has_server_permissions

Unmute a user in this channel (or in the parent of this thread). <users...> is a space separated list of usernames, ID's, or mentions. [reason] is the reason for the unmute.

Last updated