Guild Stats

Generate images with messages and voice stats, for members, roles, guilds, categories, text channels, voice channels and activities!

serverstats (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False] <_object>

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False] <_object>

  • Checks: server_only

Generate images with messages and voice stats, for members, roles, servers, categories, text channels, voice channels and activities.

serverstats member (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats member [show_graphic=False] [member]

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats member [show_graphic=False] [member]

Display stats for a specified member.

serverstats server (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats server [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False]

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats server [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False]

  • Aliases: server

Display stats for this server.

serverstats activity (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats activity [members_type=humans] <activity_name>

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats activity [members_type=humans] <activity_name>

Display stats for a specific activity in this server.

serverstats channel (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats channel [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False] [channel]

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats channel [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False] [channel]

Display stats for a specified channel.

serverstats top (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats top <members_type> <_type_1> <_type_2>

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats top <members_type> <_type_1> <_type_2>

Display top stats for voice/messages members/channels.

serverstats ignoreme (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats ignoreme

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats ignoreme

Asking GuildStats to ignore your actions.

serverstats category (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats category [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False] [category]

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats category [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False] [category]

Display stats for a specified category.

serverstats ignoreactivity (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats ignoreactivity <activity_name>

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats ignoreactivity <activity_name>

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Ignore or unignore a specific activity.

serverstats disable (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats disable

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats disable

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Disable the cog in this server/server.

serverstats messages (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats messages [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False]

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats messages [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False]

Display stats for the messages in this server.

serverstats ignorecategory (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats ignorecategory <category>

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats ignorecategory <category>

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Ignore or unignore a specific category.

serverstats activities (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats activities [members_type=humans]

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats activities [members_type=humans]

Display stats for activities in this server.

serverstats role (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats role [show_graphic=False] [role]

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats role [show_graphic=False] [role]

Display stats for a specified role.

serverstats voice (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats voice [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False]

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats voice [members_type=humans] [show_graphic=False]

Display stats for the voice in this server.

serverstats enable (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats enable

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats enable

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Enable the cog in this server/server.

serverstats ignorechannel (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats ignorechannel <channel>

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats ignorechannel <channel>

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Ignore or unignore a specific channel.

serverstats graphic (Hybrid Command)

  • Usage: !serverstats graphic [members_type=humans] [_object]

  • Slash Usage: /serverstats graphic [members_type=humans] [_object]

  • Aliases: graph

Display graphic for members, roles servers, text channels, voice channels and activities.

Last updated