
Prevent certain types of information from being shared in your chats to impede efforts at DOXing and other types of harassment


  • Usage: !infocontrol

  • Checks: server_only

Manage info enforcement settings.

infocontrol enable

  • Usage: !infocontrol enable

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Enable info enforcement

infocontrol alerts

  • Usage: !infocontrol alerts <channel>

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Set the log channel for info control deletions.

infocontrol toggle

  • Usage: !infocontrol toggle <data_type>

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Toggle blocking of a specific data type.

infocontrol disable

  • Usage: !infocontrol disable

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Disable info enforcement

infocontrol settings

  • Usage: !infocontrol settings

List current settings for blocking data types.

infocontrol removemodrole

  • Usage: !infocontrol removemodrole <role>

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Remove a role from the list of roles to mention in alerts.

infocontrol addmodrole

  • Usage: !infocontrol addmodrole <role>

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Add a role to the list of roles to mention in alerts.

infocontrol reset

  • Usage: !infocontrol reset

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Reset the info control settings to default for this server.

Last updated