
Interact with the sky by getting information on aircraft and airports easily.


  • Usage: !aircraft

  • Aliases: skysearch

  • Checks: server_only

Summon the aircraft panel

aircraft pia

  • Usage: !aircraft pia

  • Checks: server_only

View live aircraft using private ICAO addresses

aircraft ladd

  • Usage: !aircraft ladd

  • Checks: server_only

Get information on LADD-restricted aircraft

aircraft radius

  • Usage: !aircraft radius <lat> <lon> <radius>

  • Checks: server_only

Get information about aircraft within a specified radius.

aircraft alertchannel

  • Usage: !aircraft alertchannel [channel=None]

  • Checks: server_only

Set or clear a channel to send emergency squawk alerts to. Clear with no channel.

aircraft scroll

  • Usage: !aircraft scroll

  • Checks: server_only

Scroll through available planes.

aircraft showalertchannel

  • Usage: !aircraft showalertchannel

  • Checks: server_only

Show alert task status and output if set

aircraft military

  • Usage: !aircraft military

  • Checks: server_only

Get information about military aircraft.

aircraft icao

  • Usage: !aircraft icao <hex_id>

  • Checks: server_only

Get information about an aircraft by its 24-bit ICAO Address

aircraft export

  • Usage: !aircraft export <search_type> <search_value> <file_format>

  • Checks: server_only

Search aircraft by ICAO, callsign, squawk, or type and export the results.

aircraft stats

  • Usage: !aircraft stats

  • Checks: server_only

Get statistics about SkySearch and the data used here

aircraft type

  • Usage: !aircraft type <aircraft_type>

  • Checks: server_only

Get information about aircraft by its type.

aircraft alertrole

  • Usage: !aircraft alertrole [role=None]

  • Checks: server_only

Set or clear a role to mention when new emergency squawks occur. Clear with no role.

aircraft autoicao

  • Usage: !aircraft autoicao [state=None]

  • Checks: server_only

Enable or disable automatic ICAO lookup.

aircraft squawk

  • Usage: !aircraft squawk <squawk_value>

  • Checks: server_only

Get information about an aircraft by its squawk code.

aircraft reg

  • Usage: !aircraft reg <registration>

  • Checks: server_only

Get information about an aircraft by its registration.

aircraft callsign

  • Usage: !aircraft callsign <callsign>

  • Checks: server_only

Get information about an aircraft by its callsign.


  • Usage: !airport

  • Aliases: groundsearch

  • Checks: server_only

Summon SkySearch ground search panel

airport forecast

  • Usage: !airport forecast <code>

  • Checks: server_only

Get the future weather format for an airport by ICAO or IATA code.

airport navaid

  • Usage: !airport navaid <code>

  • Checks: server_only

Query navaid information by ICAO code.

airport info

  • Usage: !airport info [code=None]

  • Checks: server_only

Query airport information by ICAO or IATA code.

airport runway

  • Usage: !airport runway <code>

  • Checks: server_only

Query runway information by ICAO code.

Last updated