
Check the weather, get information on ongoing severe weather, and check the future forecast without leaving your conversation!


  • Usage: !weather

Fetch current and upcoming conditions, search and explore hundreds of weather-focused words, check alert statistics across the country, and fetch information on observation stations and radar installations

weather alerts

  • Usage: !weather alerts

  • Checks: server_only

Shows a statistical summary of active weather alerts

weather stations

  • Usage: !weather stations

  • Checks: server_only

Explore US weather observation stations

weather stats

  • Usage: !weather stats

Show statistics about weather feature usage

weather glossary

  • Usage: !weather glossary [search_term]

  • Checks: server_only

Show a glossary, or specify a word to search

weather now

  • Usage: !weather now [zip_code=None]

Check current conditions and alerts, specify a zip for conditions at that location

weather forecast

  • Usage: !weather forecast [zip_code=None]

  • Checks: server_only

Fetch your future forecast

weather profile

  • Usage: !weather profile

View your weather profile

weather radars

  • Usage: !weather radars

  • Checks: server_only

Explore US weather radar installations

weather records

  • Usage: !weather records

Show historical weather records


  • Usage: !weatherset

Configure settings and features of weather

weatherset heatalerts

  • Usage: !weatherset heatalerts

  • Cooldown: 1 per 900.0 seconds

Toggle heat alerts for your saved location

weatherset freezealerts

  • Usage: !weatherset freezealerts

  • Cooldown: 1 per 900.0 seconds

Toggle freeze alerts for your saved location

weatherset zip

  • Usage: !weatherset zip <zip_code>

Set your zip code for queries

weatherset severealerts

  • Usage: !weatherset severealerts

  • Cooldown: 1 per 900.0 seconds

Toggle severe alerts for your saved location

Last updated