
Configure Sentri's default permissions to customize them for your server's needs and usage


Customise permissions for commands and modules

This module extends the default permission model of the bot. By default, many commands are restricted based on what the command can do. This module allows you to refine some of those restrictions. You can allow wider or narrower access to most commands using it. You cannot, however, change the restrictions on owner-only commands.

When additional rules are set using this module, those rules will be checked prior to checking for the default restrictions of the command. Global rules (set by us) are checked first, then rules set for servers. If multiple global or server rules apply to the case, the order they are checked in is:

  1. Rules about a user.

  2. Rules about the voice channel a user is in.

  3. Rules about the text channel a command was issued in.

  4. Rules about a role the user has (The highest role they have with a rule will be used).

  5. Rules about the server a user is in (Global rules only).



  • Usage: !permissions

Command permission management tools.

permissions canrun

  • Usage: !permissions canrun <user> <command>

Check if a user can run a command. This will take the current context into account, such as the server and text channel.

permissions setdefaultserverrule

  • Usage: !permissions setdefaultserverrule <allow_or_deny> <cog_or_command>

  • Restricted to: GUILD_OWNER

  • Aliases: setdefaultserverrule

  • Checks: server_only

Set the default rule for a command in this server. This is the rule a command will default to when no other rule is found. <allow_or_deny> should be one of "allow", "deny" or "clear". "clear" will reset the default rule. <cog_or_command> is the cog or command to set the default rule for. This is case sensitive.

permissions clearserverrules

  • Usage: !permissions clearserverrules

  • Restricted to: GUILD_OWNER

  • Aliases: clearserverrules

  • Checks: server_only

Reset all rules in this server.

permissions removeserverrule

  • Usage: !permissions removeserverrule <cog_or_command> <who_or_what>

  • Restricted to: GUILD_OWNER

  • Aliases: removeserverrule

  • Checks: server_only

Remove a server rule from a command. <cog_or_command> is the cog or command to remove the rule from. This is case sensitive. <who_or_what...> is one or more users, channels or roles the rule is for.

permissions acl

  • Usage: !permissions acl

  • Restricted to: GUILD_OWNER

  • Aliases: yaml

Manage permissions with YAML files.

permissions acl yamlexample

  • Usage: !permissions acl yamlexample

Sends an example of the yaml layout for permissions

permissions acl updateserver

  • Usage: !permissions acl updateserver

  • Restricted to: GUILD_OWNER

  • Aliases: updateserver

  • Checks: server_only

Update rules for this server with a YAML file. This won't touch any rules not specified in the YAML file.

permissions acl setserver

  • Usage: !permissions acl setserver

  • Restricted to: GUILD_OWNER

  • Aliases: setserver

  • Checks: server_only

Set rules for this server with a YAML file. WARNING: This will override reset all rules in this server to the rules specified in the uploaded file.

permissions acl getserver

  • Usage: !permissions acl getserver

  • Restricted to: GUILD_OWNER

  • Aliases: getserver

  • Checks: server_only

Get a YAML file detailing all rules in this server.

permissions explain

  • Usage: !permissions explain

Explain how permissions works.

permissions addserverrule

  • Usage: !permissions addserverrule <allow_or_deny> <cog_or_command> <who_or_what>

  • Restricted to: GUILD_OWNER

  • Aliases: addserverrule

  • Checks: server_only

Add a rule to a command in this server. <allow_or_deny> should be one of "allow" or "deny". <cog_or_command> is the cog or command to add the rule to. This is case sensitive. <who_or_what...> is one or more users, channels or roles the rule is for.

Last updated