
Learn how to take moderative action using Sentri


  • Usage: !timeout <member_or_role> [time=None] [reason]

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Aliases: tt

  • Cooldown: 1 per 1.0 second

  • Checks: server_only

Timeout users. <member_or_role> is the username/rolename, ID or mention. If provided a role, everyone with that role will be timedout. [time] is the time to mute for. Time is any valid time length such as 45 minutes or 3 days. If nothing is provided the timeout will be 60 seconds default. [reason] is the reason for the timeout. Defaults to None if nothing is provided. Examples: !timeout @member 5m talks too much !timeout @member 10m


  • Usage: !untimeout <member_or_role> [reason]

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Aliases: utt

  • Cooldown: 1 per 1.0 second

  • Checks: server_only

Untimeout users. <member_or_role> is the username/rolename, ID or mention. If provided a role, everyone with that role will be untimed. [reason] is the reason for the untimeout. Defaults to None if nothing is provided.


  • Usage: !slowmode [interval]

  • Checks: bot_can_manage_channel and server_only

Changes thread's or text channel's slowmode setting. Interval can be anything from 0 seconds to 6 hours. Use without parameters to disable.


  • Usage: !rename <member> [nickname]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Change a member's server nickname. Leaving the nickname argument empty will remove it.


  • Usage: !userinfo [member]

  • Checks: server_only

Show information about a member. This includes fields for status, discord join date, server join date, voice state and previous usernames/global display names/nicknames. If the member has no roles, previous usernames, global display names, or server nicknames, these fields will be omitted.


  • Usage: !names <member>

Show previous usernames, global display names, and server nicknames of a member.


  • Usage: !kick <member> [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Kick a user. Examples: - !kick 428675506947227648 wanted to be kicked. This will kick the user with ID 428675506947227648 from the server. - !kick @Twentysix wanted to be kicked. This will kick Twentysix from the server. If a reason is specified, it will be the reason that shows up in the audit log.


  • Usage: !ban <user> [days=None] [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Ban a user from this server and optionally delete days of messages. days is the amount of days of messages to cleanup on ban. Examples: - !ban 428675506947227648 7 Continued to spam after told to stop. This will ban the user with ID 428675506947227648 and it will delete 7 days worth of messages. - !ban @Twentysix 7 Continued to spam after told to stop. This will ban Twentysix and it will delete 7 days worth of messages. A user ID should be provided if the user is not a member of this server. If days is not a number, it's treated as the first word of the reason. Minimum 0 days, maximum 7. If not specified, the defaultdays setting will be used instead.


  • Usage: !massban <user_ids> [days=None] [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Aliases: hackban

  • Checks: server_only

Mass bans user(s) from the server. days is the amount of days of messages to cleanup on massban. Example: - !massban 345628097929936898 57287406247743488 7 they broke all rules. This will ban all the added userids and delete 7 days worth of their messages. User IDs need to be provided in order to ban using this command.


  • Usage: !tempban <member> [duration=None] [days=None] [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Temporarily ban a user from this server. duration is the amount of time the user should be banned for. days is the amount of days of messages to cleanup on tempban. Examples: - !tempban @Twentysix Because I say so This will ban Twentysix for the default amount of time set by an administrator. - !tempban @Twentysix 15m You need a timeout This will ban Twentysix for 15 minutes. - !tempban 428675506947227648 1d2h15m 5 Evil person This will ban the user with ID 428675506947227648 for 1 day 2 hours 15 minutes and will delete the last 5 days of their messages.


  • Usage: !softban <member> [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Kick a user and delete 1 day's worth of their messages.


  • Usage: !voicekick <member> [reason]

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Checks: server_only

Kick a member from a voice channel.


  • Usage: !voiceunban <member> [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Unban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels.


  • Usage: !voiceban <member> [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Ban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels.


  • Usage: !unban <user_id> [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Unban a user from this server. Requires specifying the target user's ID. To find this, you may either: 1. Copy it from the mod log case (if one was created), or 2. Enable Developer Mode, go to Bans in this server's settings, right-click the user and select 'Copy ID'.

Last updated

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