
Get alerts about, and check the status of, streamers on various sites!


  • Usage: !twitchstream <channel_name>

  • Checks: server_only

Check if a Twitch channel is live.


  • Usage: !youtubestream <channel_id_or_name>

  • Cooldown: 1 per 30.0 seconds

  • Checks: server_only

Check if a YouTube channel is live.


  • Usage: !picarto <channel_name>

  • Checks: server_only

Check if a Picarto channel is live.


  • Usage: !streamalert

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Checks: server_only

Manage automated stream alerts.

streamalert twitch

  • Usage: !streamalert twitch <channel_name> [discord_channel=operator.attrgetter('channel')]

Manage Twitch stream notifications.

streamalert twitch channel

  • Usage: !streamalert twitch channel <channel_name> [discord_channel=operator.attrgetter('channel')]

Toggle alerts in this or the given channel for a Twitch stream.

streamalert picarto

  • Usage: !streamalert picarto <channel_name> [discord_channel=operator.attrgetter('channel')]

Toggle alerts in this channel for a Picarto stream.

streamalert stop

  • Usage: !streamalert stop [_all=False]

Disable all stream alerts in this channel or server. !streamalert stop will disable this channel's stream alerts. Do !streamalert stop yes to disable all stream alerts in this server.

streamalert list

  • Usage: !streamalert list

List all active stream alerts in this server.

streamalert youtube

  • Usage: !streamalert youtube <channel_name_or_id> [discord_channel=operator.attrgetter('channel')]

Toggle alerts in this channel for a YouTube stream.


  • Usage: !streamset

  • Restricted to: MOD

Manage stream alert settings.

streamset message

  • Usage: !streamset message

  • Checks: server_only

Manage custom messages for stream alerts.

streamset message mention

  • Usage: !streamset message mention <message>

  • Checks: server_only

Set stream alert message when mentions are enabled. Use {mention} in the message to insert the selected mentions. Use {stream} in the message to insert the channel or username. Use {stream.display_name} in the message to insert the channel's display name (on Twitch, this may be different from {stream}). For example: !streamset message mention {mention}, {stream.display_name} is live!

streamset message nomention

  • Usage: !streamset message nomention <message>

  • Checks: server_only

Set stream alert message when mentions are disabled. Use {stream} in the message to insert the channel or username. Use {stream.display_name} in the message to insert the channel's display name (on Twitch, this may be different from {stream}). For example: !streamset message nomention {stream.display_name} is live!

streamset message clear

  • Usage: !streamset message clear

  • Checks: server_only

Reset the stream alert messages in this server.

streamset autodelete

  • Usage: !streamset autodelete <on_off>

  • Checks: server_only

Toggle alert deletion for when streams go offline.

streamset mention

  • Usage: !streamset mention

  • Checks: server_only

Manage mention settings for stream alerts.

streamset mention online

  • Usage: !streamset mention online

  • Aliases: here

  • Checks: server_only

Toggle the @​here mention.

streamset mention role

  • Usage: !streamset mention role <role>

  • Checks: server_only

Toggle a role mention.

streamset mention all

  • Usage: !streamset mention all

  • Aliases: everyone

  • Checks: server_only

Toggle the @​everyone mention.

streamset usebuttons

  • Usage: !streamset usebuttons

  • Checks: server_only

Toggle whether to use buttons for stream alerts.

streamset ignorereruns

  • Usage: !streamset ignorereruns

  • Checks: server_only

Toggle excluding rerun streams from alerts.

streamset ignoreschedule

  • Usage: !streamset ignoreschedule

  • Checks: server_only

Toggle excluding YouTube streams schedules from alerts. golivealert

  • Usage: !golivealert [channel=None]

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Checks: server_only

Set the channel for live alerts.


  • Usage: !discordstreamsset

  • Restricted to: MOD

  • Checks: server_only

Change settings for the live alerts from the server's own VC's.

discordstreamsset ignored

  • Usage: !discordstreamsset ignored

List ignored voice channels.

discordstreamsset ignore

  • Usage: !discordstreamsset ignore <channel>

Ignore a voice channel.

Last updated