
View embeds showcasing the supplied color and information about it


  • Usage: !color

  • Aliases: colour

Group command for color commands

color rgb

  • Usage: !color rgb <highest> <r> <g> <b>

Provides the hexadecimal value and HSL value of the rgb value given. Each value must have a space between them. Highest argument must be 1 or 255, indicating the highest value of a single value (r, g, or b).

color hex

  • Usage: !color hex <hexa>

Provides the RGB value and HSL value of a passed hexadecimal value. Hexadecimal value must in the format of something like #ffffff or 0xffffff to be used.

color name

  • Usage: !color name <name>

Provides the hexadecimal value, RGB value and HSL value of a passed color. For example, pass red or blue as the name argument.

color decimal

  • Usage: !color decimal <decimal>

Provides the RGB value of the decimal value given.

color msgshort

  • Usage: !color msgshort <enable>

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Enable or disable the in-message shortcut. In-message shortcuts can be used by using the hex, rgb or name after a # in the middle of a message, as follows: #000000 (hex) #1,1,1 (rgb) #black (named)

color hsl

  • Usage: !color hsl <h> <s> <l>

Provides the hexadecimal value and the RGB value of the hsl value given. Each value must have a space between them.

Last updated