Info Channels

Stat channels for your server.

Create a channel with updating server info

This relies on editing channels, which is a strictly rate-limited activity. As such, updates will not be frequent. Currently capped at 1 per 5 minutes per server. No, we won't change them for you.


  • Usage: !infochannel

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

Toggle info channel for this server


  • Usage: !infochannelset

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Aliases: icset

Toggle different types of infochannels

infochannelset togglechannel

  • Usage: !infochannelset togglechannel <channel_type> [enabled=None]

Toggles the infochannel for the specified channel type. Valid Types are: - members: Total members on the server - humans: Total members that aren't bots - boosters: Total amount of boosters - bots: Total bots - roles: Total number of roles - channels: Total number of channels excluding infochannels, - online: Total online members, - offline: Total offline members,

infochannelset togglerole

  • Usage: !infochannelset togglerole <role> [enabled=None]

Toggle an infochannel that shows the count of users with the specified role

infochannelset name

  • Usage: !infochannelset name <channel_type> [text]

Change the name of the infochannel for the specified channel type. {count} must be used to display number of total members in the server. Leave blank to set back to default. Examples: - !infochannelset name members Cool Cats: {count} - !infochannelset name bots {count} Robot Overlords Valid Types are: - members: Total members on the server - humans: Total members that aren't bots - boosters: Total amount of boosters - bots: Total bots - roles: Total number of roles - channels: Total number of channels excluding infochannels - online: Total online members - offline: Total offline members Warning: This command counts against the channel update rate limit and may be queued.

infochannelset rolename

  • Usage: !infochannelset rolename <role> [text]

Change the name of the infochannel for specific roles. {count} must be used to display number members with the given role. {role} can be used for the roles name. Leave blank to set back to default. Default is set to: {role}: {count} Examples: - !infochannelset rolename @Patrons {role}: {count} - !infochannelset rolename Elite {count} members with {role} role - !infochannelset rolename "Space Role" Total boosters: {count} Warning: This command counts against the channel update rate limit and may be queued.

Last updated

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