
Host and manage events in your server with a variety of customization options

Create an event, set a channel for submissions and entry requirements/options. Users can enter the event and make submissions according to the parameters set.


  • Usage: !enotify

  • Checks: server_only

Enable/Disable event notifications for yourself You will be notified when events start and end


  • Usage: !enter

  • Checks: server_only

Enter an event if one exists


  • Usage: !events

  • Checks: server_only

Create, manage and view events

events view

  • Usage: !events view

View the current events and settings

events shorten

  • Usage: !events shorten <time_string>

Shorten the runtime of an event Examples 10d - 10 days 7d4h - 7 days 4 hours

events emoji

  • Usage: !events emoji <emoji>

Set the default emoji for votes Changing the vote emoji only affects events created after this is changed. Existing events will still use the previous emoji for votes

events create

  • Usage: !events create

Create a new event

events autodelete

  • Usage: !events autodelete

(Toggle) Auto delete events from config when they complete If auto delete is enabled, the messages in the event channel will need to be cleaned up manually

events remove

  • Usage: !events remove <user>

Remove a user from an active event

events notifyrole

  • Usage: !events notifyrole <role>

Add/Remove notify roles These roles will be pinged on event start and completion

events pingstaff

  • Usage: !events pingstaff

(Toggle) Ping staff on event completion

events extend

  • Usage: !events extend <time_string>

Extend the runtime of an event Examples 10d - 10 days 7d4h - 7 days 4 hours

events blacklistrole

  • Usage: !events blacklistrole <role>

Add/Remove blacklisted roles These roles are not allowed to enter events, but can still vote on them

events blacklistuser

  • Usage: !events blacklistuser <user>

Add/Remove blacklisted users These users are not allowed to enter events, but can still vote on them

events end

  • Usage: !events end

End an event early, counting votes/announcing the winner This will also delete the event afterwards

events delete

  • Usage: !events delete

Delete an event outright

events staffrole

  • Usage: !events staffrole <role>

Add/Remove staff roles If ping staff is enabled, these roles will be pinged on event completion

events resultdelete

  • Usage: !events resultdelete

(Toggle) Include event results in the messages to delete on cleanup If this is on when an event is deleted and the user chooses to clean up the messages, the results announcement will also be deleted

Last updated