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Last updated
Usage: !dset
Restricted to: ADMIN
Aliases: defset
Checks: server_only
Defender system settings
Usage: !dset commentanalysis
Restricted to: ADMIN
Aliases: ca
Comment analysis configuration See for more information about this module
Usage: !dset commentanalysis reason <reason>
Sets a reason for the action (modlog use)
Usage: !dset commentanalysis deletemessage <on_or_off>
Toggles whether to delete the offending message
Usage: !dset commentanalysis threshold <threshold>
Sets the threshold that will trigger CA's action (20-100)
Usage: !dset commentanalysis wdchecks [conditions]
Implement advanced Warden based checks Issuing this command with no arguments will show the current checks Passing 'remove' will remove existing checks
Usage: !dset commentanalysis enable <on_or_off>
Toggles comment analysis
Usage: !dset commentanalysis rank <rank>
Sets target rank
Usage: !dset commentanalysis token <token>
Sets Perspective API token
Usage: !dset commentanalysis action <action>
Sets action (ban, kick, softban, punish or none (notification only))
Usage: !dset commentanalysis wipe <days>
Sets how many days worth of messages to delete if the action is ban Setting 0 will not delete any message
Usage: !dset commentanalysis attributes
Setup the attributes that CA will check
Usage: !dset invitefilter
Restricted to: ADMIN
Aliases: if
Invite filter auto module configuration See !defender status for more information about this module
Usage: !dset invitefilter rank <rank>
Sets target rank
Usage: !dset invitefilter action <action>
Sets action (ban, kick, softban, punish or none (deletion only))
Usage: !dset invitefilter excludeowninvites <yes_or_no>
Excludes this server's invites from the filter
Usage: !dset invitefilter wdchecks [conditions]
Implement advanced Warden based checks Issuing this command with no arguments will show the current checks Passing 'remove' will remove existing checks
Usage: !dset invitefilter deletemessage <on_or_off>
Toggles whether to delete the invite's message
Usage: !dset invitefilter enable <on_or_off>
Toggle invite filter
Usage: !dset importfrom <server>
Import the configuration from another server This is permitted only if the command issuer is admin in both servers
Usage: !dset rank3
Restricted to: ADMIN
Rank 3 configuration See !defender status for more information about this rank
Usage: !dset rank3 joineddays <days>
Days since join required to be considered Rank 3
Usage: !dset rank3 minmessages <messages>
Minimum messages required to reach Rank 3
Usage: !dset general
Restricted to: ADMIN
Defender general settings
Usage: !dset general trustedroles <roles>
Sets the trusted roles Users belonging to this role will be classified as Rank 1
Usage: !dset general reset [confirmation=False]
Resets Defender configuration for this server
Usage: !dset general punishrole <role>
Sets the role that will be assigned to misbehaving users Note: this will only be assigned if the 'action' of a module is set to 'punish'.
Usage: !dset general helperroles <roles>
Sets the helper roles See !defender status for more information about these roles
Usage: !dset general countmessages <on_or_off>
Toggles message count (and rank 4)
Usage: !dset general enable <on_or_off>
Toggle defender system
Usage: !dset general notifychannel <channel>
Sets the channel where notifications will be sent This channel should preferably be staff readable only as it could potentially contain sensitive info
Usage: !dset general punishmessage <message>
Sets the messages that I will send after assigning the punish role Supports context variables. You can add the following to your message: $user -> User's name + tag $user_name -> User's name $user_display -> User's nickname if set or user's name $user_id -> User's id $user_mention -> User's mention $user_nickname -> User's nickname if set or 'None'
Usage: !dset general notifyrole <role>
Sets the role that will be pinged in case of alerts
Usage: !dset raiderdetection
Restricted to: ADMIN
Aliases: rd
Raider detection auto module configuration See !defender status for more information about this module
Usage: !dset raiderdetection messages <messages>
Sets messages (User posted X messages in Y minutes)
Usage: !dset raiderdetection rank <rank>
Sets target rank
Usage: !dset raiderdetection wipe <days>
Sets how many days worth of messages to delete if the action is ban Setting 0 will not delete any message
Usage: !dset raiderdetection enable <on_or_off>
Toggles raider detection
Usage: !dset raiderdetection action <action>
Sets action (ban, kick, softban, punish or none (notify only))
Usage: !dset raiderdetection wdchecks [conditions]
Implement advanced Warden based checks Issuing this command with no arguments will show the current checks Passing 'remove' will remove existing checks
Usage: !dset raiderdetection minutes <minutes>
Sets minutes (User posted X messages in Y minutes)
Usage: !dset warden
Restricted to: ADMIN
Aliases: wd
Warden auto module configuration See !defender status for more information about this module
Usage: !dset warden enable <on_or_off>
Toggles warden
Usage: !dset vaporize
Restricted to: ADMIN
Vaporize manual module configuration See !defender status for more information about this module
Usage: !dset vaporize enable <on_or_off>
Toggle vaporize manual module
Usage: !dset vaporize maxtargets <max_targets>
Sets the maximum amount of targets (1-999) By default only a maximum of 15 users can be vaporized at once
Usage: !dset alert
Restricted to: ADMIN
Alert manual module configuration See !defender status for more information about this module
Usage: !dset alert enable <on_or_off>
Toggle alert manual module
Usage: !dset joinmonitor
Restricted to: ADMIN
Aliases: jm
Join monitor auto module configuration See !defender status for more information about this module
Usage: !dset joinmonitor minutes <minutes>
Sets minutes (X users joined in Y minutes)
Usage: !dset joinmonitor users <users>
Sets users (X users joined in Y minutes)
Usage: !dset joinmonitor notifynew <hours>
Enables notifications for users younger than X hours Use 0 hours to disable notifications
Usage: !dset joinmonitor wdchecks [conditions]
Implement advanced Warden based checks Issuing this command with no arguments will show the current checks Passing 'remove' will remove existing checks
Usage: !dset joinmonitor enable <on_or_off>
Toggles join monitor
Usage: !dset joinmonitor verificationlevel
Raises the server's verification level on raids You can find a full description of Discord's verification levels in the server's settings "Moderation" tab. Verification levels: 0 - No action 1 - Low: verified email 2 - Medium: must be registered for longer than 5 minutes 3 - High: must be a member of this server for longer than 10 minutes 4 - Highest: must have a verified phone on their Discord account
Usage: !dset voteout
Restricted to: ADMIN
Voteout manual module configuration See !defender status for more information about this module
Usage: !dset voteout action <action>
Sets action (ban, kick, softban, punish)
Usage: !dset voteout votes <votes>
Sets required votes number for it to pass
Usage: !dset voteout enable <on_or_off>
Toggles voteout
Usage: !dset voteout wipe <days>
Sets how many days worth of messages to delete if the action is ban Setting 0 will not delete any message
Usage: !dset voteout rank <rank>
Sets target rank
Usage: !dset silence
Restricted to: ADMIN
Silence manual module configuration See !defender status for more information about this module
Usage: !dset silence enable <on_or_off>
Toggle silence manual module
Usage: !dset emergency
Restricted to: ADMIN
Emergency mode configuration See !defender status for more information about emergency mode
Usage: !dset emergency minutes <minutes>
Sets max inactivity minutes for staff After X minutes of inactivity following an alert emergency mode will be engaged and helper roles will be able to use the emergency modules.
Usage: !dset emergency modules
Sets emergency modules Emergency modules will be rendered available to helper roles during emergency mode. Selecting no modules to this command will disable emergency mode. Available emergency modules: voteout, vaporize, silence
Usage: !defender
Restricted to: MOD
Aliases: def
Checks: server_only
Defender commands reserved to staff
Usage: !defender messages
Aliases: msg
Access recorded messages of users / channels
Usage: !defender messages user <user>
Shows recent messages of a user
Usage: !defender messages channel <channel>
Shows recent messages of a channel
Usage: !defender messages exportuser <user>
Exports recent messages of a user to a file
Usage: !defender messages exportchannel <channel>
Exports recent messages of a channel to a file
Usage: !defender emergency <on_or_off>
Manually engage or turn off emergency mode Upon activation, staff will be pinged and any module that is set to be active in emergency mode will be rendered available to helpers
Usage: !defender freshmeat [hours=24] [keywords]
Returns a list of the new users of the day Can be filtered. Supports wildcards (* and ?)
Usage: !defender updates
Shows all the past announcements of Defender
Usage: !defender notifynew <hours>
Sends you a DM if a user younger than X hours joins Use 0 hours to disable notifications
Usage: !defender status
Shows overall status of the Defender system
Usage: !defender memberranks
Counts how many members are in each rank
Usage: !defender warden
Restricted to: ADMIN
Aliases: wd
Warden rules management See !defender status for more information about Warden
Usage: !defender warden export <name>
Sends the rule as a YAML file
Usage: !defender warden list
Lists existing rules
Usage: !defender warden debug <_id> <event> [rank=None]
Simulate and give a detailed summary of an event A Warden event must be passed with the proper target ID (user or local message) When this command is issued all the rules registered to the event will be processed in a safe way against the target, if any. If the target satisfies the conditions, only the heatpoint related actions will be carried on. The heatpoint actions will be "sandboxed", so the newly added heatpoints won't have any effect outside this test. Remember that Warden evaluates each condition in order and stops at the first failed root condition: the last condition that is listed in a failed rule is where Warden stopped evaluating them. If a valid Rank is also passed it will be used in place of the target's real rank during the test. See the documentation for a full list of Warden events. Example: !def warden debug <valid_user_id> on-user-join !def warden debug <valid_message_id> on-message !def warden debug <valid_message_id> on-message-edit 3
Usage: !defender warden exportall
Sends all the rules as a tar.gz archive
Usage: !defender warden add <rule>
Adds a new rule
Usage: !defender warden show <name>
Shows a rule
Usage: !defender warden run <name>
Runs a rule against the whole userbase Confirmation is asked before execution.
Usage: !defender warden remove <name>
Removes a rule by name
Usage: !defender warden find <text>
Aliases: search
Search for text in existing rules
Usage: !defender warden upload
Cooldown: 1 per 86400.0 seconds
Starts a rule upload session
Usage: !defender warden memory [keywords]
Shows or resets the memory of Warden Can be filtered. Supports wildcards (* and ?)
Usage: !defender warden removeall
Removes all rules
Usage: !defender monitor [keywords]
Shows recent events that might require your attention Can be filtered. Supports wildcards (* and ?)
Usage: !defender identify <user>
Shows a member's rank + info
Usage: !alert
Aliases: staff
Cooldown: 1 per 120.0 seconds
Checks: server_only
Alert the staff members
Usage: !vaporize <members>
Checks: server_only
Gets rid of bad actors in a quick and silent way Works only on Rank 3 and under
Usage: !voteout <user>
Cooldown: 1 per 22.0 seconds
Checks: server_only
Initiates a vote to expel a user from the server Can be used by members with helper roles during emergency mode
Usage: !silence <rank>
Checks: server_only
Enables server wide message autodeletion for the specified rank (and below) Passing 0 will disable this.