
Issue timeouts to individual members or entire roles


  • Usage: !timeout <member_or_role> [time=None] [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Aliases: tt

  • Cooldown: 1 per 1.0 second

  • Checks: server_only

Timeout users. <member_or_role> is the username/rolename, ID or mention. If provided a role, everyone with that role will be timedout. [time] is the time to mute for. Time is any valid time length such as 45 minutes or 3 days. If nothing is provided the timeout will be 60 seconds default. [reason] is the reason for the timeout. Defaults to None if nothing is provided. Examples: !timeout @member 5m talks too much !timeout @member 10m


  • Usage: !untimeout <member_or_role> [reason]

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Aliases: utt

  • Cooldown: 1 per 1.0 second

  • Checks: server_only

Untimeout users. <member_or_role> is the username/rolename, ID or mention. If provided a role, everyone with that role will be untimed. [reason] is the reason for the untimeout. Defaults to None if nothing is provided.


  • Usage: !timeoutset

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Manage timeout settings.

timeoutset showmoderator

  • Usage: !timeoutset showmoderator

  • Aliases: showmod

Change whether to show moderator on DM's or not.

timeoutset dm

  • Usage: !timeoutset dm

Change whether to DM the user when they are timed out.

Last updated