
Vote to preserve your communities most iconic chat messages in a rolling channel for all to review and laugh at.


  • Usage: !starboard

  • Restricted to: ADMIN

  • Checks: server_only

Commands for managing the starboard

starboard channel

  • Usage: !starboard channel <starboard> <channel>

  • Aliases: channels

Change the channel that the starboard gets posted to is the name of the starboard to adjust The channel of the starboard.

starboard blocklist

  • Usage: !starboard blocklist

  • Aliases: blacklist

Add/Remove channels/roles from the blocklist

starboard blocklist add

  • Usage: !starboard blocklist add <starboard> <channel_or_role>

Add a channel to the starboard blocklist is the name of the starboard to adjust <channel_or_role> is the channel or role you would like to add to the blocklist

starboard blocklist remove

  • Usage: !starboard blocklist remove <starboard> <channel_or_role>

Remove a channel to the starboard blocklist is the name of the starboard to adjust <channel_or_role> is the channel or role you would like to remove from the blocklist

starboard selfstar

  • Usage: !starboard selfstar <starboard>

Toggle whether or not a user can star their own post is the name of the starboard to toggle

starboard emoji

  • Usage: !starboard emoji <starboard> <emoji>

Set the emoji for the starboard is the name of the starboard to change the emoji for must be an emoji on the server or a default emoji

starboard cleanup

  • Usage: !starboard cleanup

Cleanup stored deleted channels or roles in the blocklist/allowlist

starboard toggle

  • Usage: !starboard toggle <starboard>

Toggle a starboard on/off is the name of the starboard to toggle

starboard remove

  • Usage: !starboard remove <starboard>

  • Aliases: delete and del

Remove a starboard from the server is the name for the starboard and will be lowercase only

starboard threshold

  • Usage: !starboard threshold <starboard> <threshold>

Set the threshold before posting to the starboard is the name of the starboard to change the threshold for must be a number of reactions before a post gets moved to the starboard

starboard create

  • Usage: !starboard create <name> [channel=None] [emoji=⭐]

  • Aliases: add

Create a starboard on this server is the name for the starboard and will be lowercase only [channel] is the channel where posts will be made defaults to current channel [emoji=⭐] is the emoji that will be used to add to the starboard defaults to ⭐

starboard autostar

  • Usage: !starboard autostar <starboard>

Toggle whether or not the bot will add the emoji automatically to the starboard message. is the name of the starboard to toggle

starboard colour

  • Usage: !starboard colour <starboard> <colour>

  • Aliases: color

Change the default colour for a starboard is the name of the starboard to toggle The colour to use for the starboard embed This can be a hexcode or integer for colour or author/member/user to use the original posters colour or bot to use the bots colour. Colour also accepts names from

starboard inherit

  • Usage: !starboard inherit <starboard>

Set whether to inherit the parent channels blocklist/allowlist settings. If this is enabled then starred messages in threads and forum channels will be filtered based on their parent channels blocklist/allowlist settings. e.g. if a message is starred in a thread and the parent channel is in the blocklist the message will not be starred. is the name of the starboard to adjust

starboard info

  • Usage: !starboard info

  • Aliases: list

Display info on starboards setup on the server.

starboard allowlist

  • Usage: !starboard allowlist

  • Aliases: whitelist

Add/Remove channels/roles from the allowlist

starboard allowlist remove

  • Usage: !starboard allowlist remove <starboard> <channel_or_role>

Remove a channel to the starboard allowlist is the name of the starboard to adjust <channel_or_role> is the channel or role you would like to remove from the allowlist

starboard allowlist add

  • Usage: !starboard allowlist add <starboard> <channel_or_role>

Add a channel to the starboard allowlist is the name of the starboard to adjust <channel_or_role> is the channel or role you would like to add to the allowlist


  • Usage: !star <starboard> <message>

  • Checks: server_only

Manually star a message is the name of the starboard you would like to add the message to is the message ID, channel_id-message_id, or a message link of the message you want to star


  • Usage: !unstar <starboard> <message>

  • Checks: server_only

Manually unstar a message is the name of the starboard you would like to add the message to is the message ID, channe_id-message_id, or a message link of the message you want to unstar

Last updated